Modern Mom Proverb #2
Wow! This is your lucky day. You are getting two Modern Mom Proverbs on the same day. This has never happened before! It can only mean that you are going to have a fantastic weekend.
I have lots of divorced socks at my house. It is very sad. [Modern Mom Proverb Disclaimer: While this mom strives to make the information on this post as timely and accurate as possible, this mom makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this post, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this post. No warranty of any kind, implied, or expressed is given with respect to the contents of this post or its links to other Internet resources. All names have been changed to protect the innocent and/or guilty parties. This mom hopes you enjoy your Modern Mom Proverb, and remember “behind every great person, there’s a great mother…or you’re grounded.”]
I am going to have to tell myself this while doing laundry this weekend. Maybe if I offer counselling they’ll get over their issues and get back together?
Good luck with that. I’m going to have figure out a craft to do with all these lonely, single socks. Maybe host a single sock convention :)!
It is possible. Colors and patterens shouldn’t matter. It’s what the sock is made of that it’s mate should look for. Cotton, polyester, blends…all great socks! Socks don’t have to match, just compliment each other :).
I believe that most of the single socks in our laundry have been widowed. Most were mortally wounded during the course of normal duty and sacrificed. Our singles hang out together in a big basket and every few weeks, I go through them and find them new mates. The singles are truly survivors!
I love it. Sock Survivor: last one left in the basket wins!