Cul-de-sac Cool Focus Group: Suggestions Needed for a Kid Summer Chore Chart
Calling all working, stay-at-home working, wish you were working, wish you weren’t working people! Those animals we call our children are soon going to be released from captivity. We need to rally now, people, before they take over the world. What better way to keep them inline and out of our hair then…SUMMER CHORES!!!!!
I was speaking to my bestie and she said she would like a Kid Summer Chore Chart. Yes, I do take requests for printables. So, I would like to get some feed back on what kind of chores you would like to see on this FREE PRINTABLE KID SUMMER CHORE CHART?
In the great words of Pat Benatar, “Hit me with your best shot!”
yard work always is a good one in the summer; taking the trash out on trash day; how about organizing sports equipment in the garage? making the kool aid for the day; just some ideas
Great ideas, thanks, Donna!