While Mommy is Away, the Natives Will…
I went away this weekend with my oldest son to his soccer tournament in Illinois. After Vomitpalooza and the Great Basement Flood of 2012, I was ready to get away from my home a bit. My hubby was left in charge of my two youngest boys, ages 11 and 7.
While mommy is away the natives will…
Not do laundry. I think my hubby and sons changed clothes 3 times a day while I was gone. The laundry is overflowing. It wouldn’t feel like home if my laundry wasn’t overflowing–at least this is what I’m telling myself.
While mommy is away the natives will…
Not wear sunscreen. The Hubs said it was so beautiful outside that he didn’t think to put sunscreen on everyone. I’ve been there and done that. Good thing I like red necks.
While mommy is away the natives will…
Go to GameStop…twice. The Hubs must have been desperate to do this. GameStop is a video game store. My kids are always negotiating to go there. For parents it is a nightmare. Noisy, kind of smelly and filled with kids and adults that still think they are kids. I must thank my hubby for taking them twice. This let’s me off the hook until the boys save up enough allowance to go back.
While mommy is away the natives will…
Eat out. I don’t know if one meal was eaten at home. Lucky ducks.
While mommy is away the natives will…
Text me constantly. I think my hubby was hitting his breaking point the last day. He needed an hour by hour tracking text from me on our long drive home. “Where are you? When will you be home? How much longer?” with a few “I miss you” and “I love you” thrown in.
While mommy is away the natives will…
Stand on the driveway to welcome me home. It was very sweet to be greeted on the driveway with smiles and hugs. I think they might have missed me. I know the Hubs did!