Covid 19 College Kit
It is that season, time to start packing for college. For all of you parents of Freshman, hang in there. Believe me, I remember getting my oldest ready for his freshman year in college and I was a mess! I would spontaneously start crying at the oddest times. Last year, was my middle son’s turn to head off to his Freshman year. I wasn’t quite as emotional because I knew what to expect. This year, I will have a Senior and a Sophomore in college and I’m like, “See ya! Shut the door behind you, please!” Trust me parents, it does get easier!!!

That being said, this year is quite different than the years before. This pandemic complicates things. We may not have any control over the pandemic, but we have control over helping our college kids be prepared to stay safe and healthy. Just like with my DIY College Dorm Kits, this year we all will need to add the Covid 19 College Kit.
You can buy a plastic bin, print off the cute label I made, and gift your student with the cutest Covid 19 College Kit. Or, If your kid is like either of mine, they will take everything out of the bin and shove it where they want. You decide how you want to present their kit. Hang in there parents and stay healthy!

What you will need:
- 1 plastic bins with lids
- Covid 19 College Kit printable label
- Printer (optional)
- Tape
Instructions For the Label:
1. Download this 4×6 JPG files (click on image and save to your computer).
2. Upload files to a photo center like Snapfish.com or Costco.com and order prints.
3. Download this PDF file (Covid 19 College Kit Label).
4. Print at home on card stock or photo paper and cut out. Set aside.
Instructions For the Kit:
1. Buy your items:
- Face Masks
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer (Make sure you check your hand sanitizer against this list from the FDA. There have been many recalled: Recalled Hand Sanitizer)
- No-Touch Forehead Thermometer (We have this one and it works great and is very easy to use.)
- Anything else you can think of.
2. Add all your goodies to your plastic bins.
3. Next tape your label onto your bin.
You are one step closer to helping your child spread their wings (and hopefully not the virus). Now go cry in the closet with a glass of wine. Hugs! xoxo -B