There is always that one cousin that you forgot graduated this year. Never fear, I’m here, with a couple cool, last minute graduation cards you can print at home or send out to print.
With these honest, yet funny, graduation cards, hopefully you can show your graduate that you are so proud of them especially since their road to graduation has been bumpy.
With this fun graduation card, you can tell those new graduates that it is time to start “adulting!”
Just receiving a wad of cash as a gift isn’t that exciting, so why not give your cash in the shape of a money origami frog that can actually hop!
During this graduation season, I’ll be handing out a lot of cash gifts. Instead of just handing over money, it’s always nice to personalize your gift.
I wanted to design a unique graduation card this year. I looked to the great philosophers for inspiration–Plato, Abraham Lincoln, that guy who writes fortune cookie…