Bored of all the old, re-used holiday school party games? Well, with these 12 Coolest Holiday School Party Games — Part 6, no one will…

Are you having a panic attack because you totally forgot you have to plan your kid’s school holiday party??!!! Don’t freak out! Below you will…

How are you going to keep all those little elves entertained? Don’t worry, with these 12 Coolest Holiday School Party Games — Part 4, your preschoolers through 6th graders will all be entertained!!

Did you hear those jingle bells? Do you know what that means? That means that presents need to be bought, decorations need to put up…

Time to keep your kiddos busy and having fun during those Holiday/Winter/Christmas school parties again! To make your life a little easier, here are 12…

Is it me, or do your kid’s Holiday/Winter/Christmas school parties sneak up on you? To make your life a little easier, here are 12 of the Coolest Holiday School Party Games from preschool to 6th grade that you can organize in between your holiday shopping and decorating. Enjoy!