DIY Printable ‘The Witch is In’ Halloween Invite
The Witch is in and she’s accepting appointments for a wicked party. This is a modern, fun and FREE DIY PRINTABLE HALLOWEEN INVITE that must be used or a certain creepy witch might turn you into a frog.
What you will need:
- Printer
- Picmonkey.com, Word or Pages computer program
- Cardstock
- Scissors
- A witchy attitude
1. Download this 5×7 JPEG file {click on picture and save to your computer}.
2. Open file in Picmonkey.com (it is free), add text using the text edit and save file to your hard drive. Upload file to a photo center like Snapfish.com or Costco.com and order prints. Or you could just email the JPEG file.
3. Insert file into a Word or Pages document and add text using a text box then save file. Print on card stock and cut out.
4. Enjoy!
What font did you use? I can’t seem to find a match in Picmonkey.com
I believe I used Special Elite. It’s under the Serif label. Hope this helps!!