Say This, Not That: Confessions of a Mom
Forgive me family, for I have stretched the truth a bit…
- I have to do bills on the computer in the basement. [Actually…I have to watch the latest episode of the Bachelorette.]
- I need to use the restroom. Can you finish the dishes? [Actually…I”m sick of doing dishes and I want to give myself a pedicure.]
- Let’s just eat leftovers tonight and save some money. [Actually…totally forgot about dinner.]
- Unmatched socks are the latest trend. You are so cool. [Actually…too tired to sort socks.]
- I have a gazillion errands to run, please watch the kids. [Actually…I have a DSW coupon burning a hole in my pocket. Must buy shoes.]
- I am so sore from my workout. [Actually…sneaking that garage-sale-find-dresser into the house by myself nearly killed me.]
- It’s summer, you don’t need to wear clothes. [Actually…I left a load in the washer and now have to re-wash it for the third time.]
- I’m letting them grow so I can start a topiary garden. [Actually…I read my book when I should have trimmed the bushes.]
- I need to work on taxes with Daddy. [Actually…I need some alone time with the Hubs.]
- I can’t help you, Mommy has to work. [Actually…Mommy wants to blog.]