Make Someone’s Day Challenge
Ladies and Gentlemen! Put down your glue guns. Turn off your TV. No need for rubber gloves, wallets or laundry baskets. Put on a smile, grab a happy heart and take Cul-de-sac Cool’s Make Someone’s Day Challenge!
It’s fast. It’s free. It’s freaking awesome.
I received an email the other day, which I didn’t get to read until last night. Wow, was I glad I read it. It was from a friend whom I don’t see or talk to that often except through social media and our blogs. She wanted some blogging advice. I know! Can you believe that someone actually wants blogging advice from me? That blows my mind. But besides the blogging advice, she told me she admires me.
She made my day! Because her email made me feel so good, I want to challenge all of you to make someone’s day. Life is hard and messy and sometimes we may have a smile on our face, but on the inside we are overwhelmed. Take the time today to tell someone what you admire about them. Hold a door for a stranger who isn’t expecting it. Tell the grocery store clerk thanks for all they do. Shake a hand, pat a shoulder, give a hug, spread a smile.