Which Pair of Warby Parker Glasses Should I Pick? Vote Now!
This is NOT a sponsored post, but straight from the heart!
I’ve had a long relationship with glasses. We’ve had an on-again and off-again relationship since the third grade. Do you remember when I wrote about 10 Reasons Why I Love to Hate Glasses? Well, I still love to hate them, but I need them when I’m not wearing my contacts. I haven’t had a new pair of glasses in years. My prescription has changed a bit–I’m even more blind–so I need some new glasses!
My hubs told me about Warby Parker glasses. They have an online store that offers home try-on for free. You pick out 5 styles of glasses, try them on for 5 days and then mail them back (no charge). You then order online the pair of frames you liked! Most of their classic styles are $95 which includes frames AND prescription lenses! I love it. I’m a busy mom with 3 active boys and a husband who is recovering from surgery. I don’t have time to go glasses shopping.
Now the fun part. I received my box of “good things” and I’m ready to figure out which ones I like…but it’s too hard. I need your help! Below are pics of me wearing each frame. Please leave a comment below and tell me which ones you like the most!!! I don’t have much time so please tell me today!
#4. Makes your eyes even bluer!
I like one or five. 🙂
#5 first
#1 second
#5 & #1, BUT, which one do you like the best?
It’s a tie between 1 & 5!!!
#1 and #5 are a tie for me!
Number 5 for sure!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s what I picked!! They were the most comfy and cool!!