DIY Easy Halloween Front Porch Decor

DIY Easy Halloween Front Porch Decor

DIY Easy Halloween Front Porch Decor cover 2

Fall is here. Halloween is right around the corner. The season of decorating has officially began (que orchestra). Wait, what? As I drive through our neighborhood and see all the silk leaf garlands and wreaths, carved pumpkin topiary sculptures and scarecrow families placed in their natural habitat of hay stacks, I realize my front porch looks like someone who missed the bus and had to walk home from the beach. It’s time for a mini, EASY Halloween makeover!

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I made a trip to our local Hobby Lobby and Target. Picked up some pumpkins. Did a little sweeping. Plunked, cut, tucked, tied and viola! I now can hold my head high as I drive through the neighborhood because my front porch is now ready for Halloween and is pretty darn cute!

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What you will need:

Simple Halloween Porch Decorating 1


1. Clean up your space. Sweep, get rid of cobwebs (sorry disgusting spiders), give your summer plants a peaceful burial. I switched out my summer rug for my fall rug.

2. Next, plunk your pumpkins in your pots. 

3. Using ribbon, tie your signs around your pumpkins.

4. Now wind and tuck your garland around your pumpkins and behind the signs. I have cherry red pots so wanted to disguise as much of the red as possible. Add your cute flowers and there, your pots are done!

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5. Finally, I propped my witch’s brooms up next to the front door and hung my adorable DIY Halloween Witch’s Wreath that I made over at

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Once Halloween is over, I’ll be able to transition over to Thanksgiving by taking the signs off the pumpkins, put the brooms away and hang my Giving Thanks sign on the door.

Happy decorating! Do you have any easy, yet cute Halloween decorating tips?