10 Reasons Why I’m Glad My Son’s High School Graduation is Over
1. I’m glad graduation is over because now I can acknowledge that I have 2 other children. I’m sure #2Son and #3Son will appreciated this :).
2. I’m glad graduation is over because now I will not spontaneously combust into tears when I see a mother nursing her baby.
3. I’m glad graduation is over because I can stop making collages, signs, banners, Facebook pages, ads, big heads, invitations, thank you cards and social media campaigns — that is until #2Son graduates.
4. I’m glad graduation is over because I don’t have to obsess over the wedding reception…I mean graduation party anymore.
5. I’m glad graduation is over because I can stop pretending I’m a meteorologist trying to figure out when the storms will come that will either ruin graduation or the graduation party. NOTE: We had fantastic weather for both. Whew!
6. I’m glad graduation is over because we didn’t have to go all Hunger Games with the graduation tickets if it did rain for the ceremony. “Sorry, Aunt Cari, but your tribute gong just went off, no ticket for you. Back to the car.” This didn’t happen, thank goodness.
7. I’m glad graduation is over because next time I run into my friend at Quick Trip, a mom of another graduate, we won’t lock eyes and without saying one word, start crying. True story.
8. I’m glad graduation is over because I don’t have to try to guesstimate how many chicken tenders to order for the party anymore. By-the-way, chicken tenders from Raising Caine’s were a huge hit.
9. I’m glad graduation is over because I can do laundry again. Crap.
10. And finally, I’m glad graduation is over because through the whole process, I’ve learned that letting go is hard, but beautiful at the same time. I see how ready my son is to move on to his new adult life. I’m so very proud of him and excited to see him take off. I’m honored to be his mother. He has handled “the crazy” of graduation with calmness, dignity, confidence, and joy. He has handled my crazy. I love him so much. As I look at him, I know he is 18 and now considered an adult, but I still see glimpses of my sweet baby, and I always will. Happy Graduation, Paddy Cakes!!
Be sure to check out all my 10 Reasons Posts here:
So good, Becca!!! Congrats, proud mama!
Thanks, Becky!! You aren’t too far off with all of this. Buckle up!!
This got me choked up and I’ve got years to go. But what is it they say? The days on long, but the years are short. Congrats to P!
The days are so long when they are little, but the years go by so fast when they are older!!! Thanks, Julie!