DIY Potted Herb Gift – Perfect for Mother’s Day or Teacher Appreciation
The beginning of May is the start of CRAZY SEASON around here. With all the of the end of the school-year activities, yard work, graduation parties, sporting events and then throw in Mother’s Day, May is definitely CRAZY.
To help with the crazy, I’ve made an adorable gift that you can use for Mother’s Day, teacher appreciation, birthdays, neighbor gifts, Father’s Day, or just a sweet way to say thank you to someone. These are super easy to put together and were inexpensive. It is also a gift that keeps on giving. Maybe whomever you gift your potted herb to will cook you up something tasty!!! Enjoy!
What you will need:
- Printer
- Card stock or photo paper
- Scissors
- Herbs (I used rosemary, dill, mint and thyme)
- Coffee mugs or pots for herbs
- Craft string or ribbon
- double-sided tape
- A giving heart
1. Download these 8.5×11 JPG files (click on pictures then save to your hard drive):
2. Upload file to a photo center like Snapfish.com or Costco.com, crop to 8×10 and order your prints.
3. Print these PDF files {DIY Printable Herb Gift Tags Green, DIY Printable Herb Gift Tags Orange} at home onto card stock or photo paper.
4. Cut your tags out and set aside.
5. Plant your herbs into a container. I used coffee mugs, but you could use any kind of pot.
6. Tie a cute ribbon or craft string around your mug.
7. Next, you could either slip your tag through the string or do what I did. Using double-sided tape, tape your tag to the plant label. Then stick into your plant.
You’re done! Look at these adorable gifts that you made. If you are like me, you might just have to keep one for yourself :).