DIY Printable Thanksgiving Wine Tags

DIY Printable Thanksgiving Wine Tags

Sometimes holidays are perfect just like a postcard, but the reality of it is, they usually aren’t. This year, as you head off to your Thanksgiving festivities, bring your host or hostess the gift of good cheer (or a peace-offering) in the form of these cheeky DIY Thanksgiving Wine Tags, attached to a bottle or 2 of wine. You will get a laugh and a knowing wink as you overhear Uncle Bart and Aunt Bertha fighting over who gets to sit next to you. Enjoy and good luck!

What you will need:

  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Card stock or photo paper
  • Wine
  • A thankful heart


1. Download this 8×10 JPG file (click on image and save to your computer).

2. Upload file to a photo center like or and order prints.


3. Download this PDF file DIY Printable Thanksgiving Wine Tags and print at home on card stock or photo paper.

4. Cut out the tags, including the circle inside of the tags.

5. Fold the tags where dotted lines indicate.

6. Place your tags on the wine bottles that you have selected (the wine bottle neck goes through the hole in the tag). 

7. Pass along your funny, yet functional gift and make someone’s Thanksgiving Day a little more bearable.