DIY Printable Succulent Luggage Tags
Summer travel season is upon us. In honor of this exciting, yet stressful season, I’ve made some new luggage tags that will set your bag apart from all the other boring bags. Who doesn’t love a cheeky succulent plant that tells it like it is?!
Are you not wanting to make your own luggage tags? Then you should check out my shop, Cul-de-sa Cool Shop, where I have a load of fun luggage tags and lots of other unique gifts!
Right now you get 25% off with code: ZSAVEBIGJUNE
What you will need:
- Printer
- Card stock
- Scissors
- Hole punch
- Laminating sheets
- Ribbon or hair rubber band
- Love of travel
1. Download this 8.5 x 11 JPG file {click on picture and save to your computer}.
2. Upload file to a photo center like Snapfish.com or Costco.com. Resize to 8×10 and then order prints.
3. Print this PDF file {DIY Printable Succulent Luggage Tags} at home onto card stock.
4. Cut on dotted line.
5. Write on back.
6. Fold in half.
7. Laminate. You can use laminating sheets at home or go to you local office supply store to have them laminated.
8. Hole punch.
9. Attach to bag with ribbon or rubber band. I use a ponytail rubber band to attach my tags. They are more secure than a tied ribbon.
10. Happy Travels!