Nutella Twinkini
Two of my family’s favorite things collided one night….
A panini grill…
and Nutella.
What was born of this experiment has become a cherished goodie in our home.
What you will need to complete this masterpiece:
Whole wheat hotdog buns
Panini grill
Spread Nutella on a hotdog bun.
Press bun together gently. Place in a low to medium heated Panini grill.
Enjoy the warm gooey goodness.
More Twinkini ideas:
For a s’more Twinkini, spread marshmallow fluff over your Nutella.
For a Reese’s peanut butter cup Twinkini, spread peanut butter over your Nutella.
I wonder if this can be done without the grill…like maybe nesting cast iron pans on top of each other. I MUST TRY THIS!!!!
Yes, that would totally work! You can use all kinds of bread also. My kids hate crust so buns are what we came up with. Easy and yummy!