DIY Holiday Last Minute Gifts
Did you forget to get something for your lawn guy? Do you need a last-minute hostess gift? Are you short on kid stocking stuffers? Are you afraid of the mall? Why not stay home and make that special person a DIY Holiday Last Minute Gift. Come on, you can MacGyver your way out of this one!
For Him:
1. Beer 8×10 Printable by Me (CuldesacCool.com)! Print and frame this witty PDF file here {Beer 8×10 Print} for a manly, easy gift.
2. Sriracha Salt by Boston.com
3. Reindeer Beer/Rootbeer by LifeofaModernMom.blogspot.com
4. Scrabble Coasters by DomesticForDummies.com
For Her:
1. DIY Infinity Scarf by Hej Juni
2. Silhouette Wall Art by LowesCreativeIdeas.com
3. Witty Gloves by Poppytalk.blogspot.com
4. Coffee Syrup by ABeautifulMess.com
For the Kids:
1. Kool-aid Lip Gloss by MeetTheDubiens.com
2. Terrarium Kit by WitandWhistle.com
3. Slime by OurBestBites.com
4. Snowman Kit by Make-it-do.com