12 Coolest Kid Easter Party Games
Here are the 12 Coolest Kid Easter Party Games to use at home, school or church. These fun games will keep your preschoolers to 6th graders HOPPILY BUSY! Enjoy!
1. Easter Bunny Bowling
What you will need:
- Print these PDF files {Easter Bunny Bowling Printables}
- 6 large empty 2 liter soda bottles
- Scissors
- Tape
- Ball
Directions: To make the Easter Bunny bowling pins, print, cut out and tape an Easter Bunny printable onto each 2-liter soda bottle. Set-up the bowling pins on one end of the room. Have first child stand back at least 6 feet behind a taped mark on the floor and let him or her roll the ball to try to knock down the pins. Each child gets two turns. Set pins back up and have next person in line go. Continue until everyone has had a turn.
2. Bunny Hop
What you will need:
- Pillow for each team
How To Play: Children divide into two teams. Give each team a pillow. Pillow size should be larger for younger children and smaller for older children. Have one child from each team place the egg between their legs and hop to the end of the room and back. They sit down and the next team member goes. This repeats until one team is all sitting. Originally from Kaboose.com {here}.
3. Wacky Egg Roll
What you will need:
- A plastic eggs (plastic or hardboiled)
- Plastic spoons for each child
- Tape
Directions: Divide kids into teams. Tape off a start and finish line on the carpet. The first kids of each team line up at the start line with a plastic spoon in their mouth. The kids have to get down on all fours and use a spoon to push the egg across the finish line. The first team to finish wins. Make sure the area is clean. Originally from Ministry-to-Children.com {here}.
4. Pass the Egg, Please!
What you will need:
- A plastic egg
Directions: Have all the children sit in a circle and pass an egg with only their feet. When you drop it your out, last one left wins! Originally from BusyBee-Holiday-Party-Ideas.com {here}.
5. Broken Egg Riddles
What you will need:
- Print these PDF files {Broken Eggs Riddle Printables}
- Large bowl
Directions: Cut out eggs and cut in half. Put cut eggs into a bowl. Children pick one half of an egg out of a bowl. When the leader says “GO!” the children try to find the match to their riddle or riddle answer. If the answers are correct, the two children who are matched up then sit down. Game is over when all children have matched up the riddle to the answer. Originally from Kaboose.com {here}. Easter riddles from Spoonful.com.
6. Easter Egg Relay
What you will need:
- 2 large construction paper eggs per team
Directions: Divide children into teams. The first person of a team takes the 2 eggs and lays one of the eggs out on the floor. The child steps on the first egg and then places the second egg in front of them. The child steps on the second egg, reaches back and picks up the first egg and then places that egg in front of them. Continue to the end of the course and then run back and tag the next team member. Variation: Divide the teams in half and have the person walk on eggs to the other side. Originally from Kaboose.com {here}.
7. Duck Races
What you will need:
- A start and finish line
Directions: Divide kids into two teams. Children should line up at the start line. The first kids from each team put their hands around their ankles. While staying in this position, they waddle across the finish line, like a duck. If they lose their grip, walk or run, they are out. Once they pass the finish line, the next person can go. The team with all their members successfully crossing the finish line first wins. Originally from Ministry-to-Children.com {here}.
8. Jumbo Easter Memory
- 10 pairs of Easter pictures (print Easter coloring pages off web onto heavy paper)
Directions: Print out 10 pairs of Easter pictures (or draw the pictures). Lay them on the floor, mixed up, and have the kids take turns trying to find pairs, by turning two over at a time. Who ever has the most pairs wins! Use heavy paper like cardstock so the cards are sturdy (laminate them if you want to use them year after year). Print two of each picture and make sure you color them the same. Originally from BusyBee-Holiday-Party-Ideas.com {here}.
9. Carrot Toss
What you will need:
- 2 bunches of real Carrots with stems
- 2 Hula hoops or 2 small lengths of rope made into circles
- Tape
Directions: Divide the kids into two teams. Lay the 2 hula hoops or rope circles at the end of the room or yard. Mark a starting point with tape 6 feet away for each team. Have the first two people for each team toss their carrot trying to get in the middle of the hoop. If they miss, they sit out and the next team member has to take two steps back further before they throw. Continue until everyone has had a turn or one team is totally out. Play it several times having the kids start further away. Change it up and have the kids throw the carrot facing backwards or between their legs. The silly the more fun!
10. Capture the Egg
What you will need:
- Four blue eggs for one team (can be plastic eggs and any color – need 4 of the same color)
- Four green eggs for the other team (can be plastic eggs and any color – need 4 of the same color)
Directions: Divide children into two groups. Each team has four Easter Eggs. Place the Eggs on the ground in a row. The object is to run to the other team’s side and try to take three of their eggs back to their own side without getting touched. If they get touched, they must stand still until one of their teammates touches them. Originally from Kaboose.com {here}.
11. Bunny Nose Relay
What you will need:
- Cotton balls
- Vaseline
- 2 bowls for each team
Directions: Divide kids into 2 teams. Each team has a bowl of cotton balls and an empty bowl. The first person in each team places a dab of Vaseline on the tip of their noses and have to move cotton balls from one bowl to another using just their Vaseline tipped noses in an allotted amount of time. When time is up next person goes and so on. The team that moves all their cotton balls into the other bowl first, wins. Originally from SouthernPlate.com {here}.
12. Tag Team Alien Easter Rabbit Drawing
What you will need:
- Paper
- Markers
Directions: Each player has her own color marker and a piece of paper. At “Go,” players have 30 seconds to begin a drawing of an Alien Easter Rabbit. The leader is the official timer. When the time is up, everyone moves clockwise to the next paper, gives it a quarter turn, and has 30 seconds to continue the drawing. Play continues in this manner, with the paper being given a quarter turn by each new artist, until everyone has added to each drawing. Originally from Spoonful.com {here}.
Hi I just thought I’d let you know this post has been featured on my blog as part of my 2013 Easter Pinterest Picks on my blog Glitter Bug. I of course linked to your blog. You can check it out here: glitter-bug-blog.blogspot.com.au if you would like.
Sweet! Thanks for letting me know. Loved the post. Stop by anytime :)!
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where lookin for some stuff 4 class parties …… 4 small spaces
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