DIY Printable Gnomies Valentine’s Day Card
My youngest isn’t into all that “love stuff” when it comes to Valentine’s Day cards for school. He wanted something fun, cool and not lovey-dovey. So I created this cute DIY Printable Gnomies Valentine’s Day Card. We attached Fun Dip candy (which fit perfectly) onto the back of his cards per his request. I think his Gnomies will love getting these cards…but mostly the Fun Dip. Enjoy!!
What you will need:
- Printer
- Cardstock
or photo paper
- Scissors
- Candy (I used Fun Dip)
- Scotch tape, double Sided tape
or glue
- A happy heart!
1. Download this 8.5X11 JPG file (click on picture then save to your hard drive):
2. Upload files to a photo center like Snapfish.com or Costco.com. Resize to 8×10 and then order prints.
3. Print this PDF file {DIY Printable Gnomies Valentines Day Card} at home onto card stock.
4. Trim print(s) and handwrite names on the cards.
5. Using tape, double-sided tape or glue, affix your Valentine cards onto your candy.
6. Hand-out at your Valentine’s Day school party and wait for the smiles from all your Gnomies!
Not wanting to make your own Valentine’s Day cards for school? Then check these out: