DIY Pineapple Wine Bottle Gift Tutorial

DIY Pineapple Wine Bottle Gift Tutorial

DIY Pineapple Wine Gift Cover 5

I made a DIY Pineapple Wine Bottle Gift. I wrote about it over at Redefined Mom…

The pineapple has always been a symbol of hospitality and luxury.

When I was surfing through Pinterest the other day, I stumbled upon a post from I fell in love with the idea of creating a DIY Pineapple Wine Bottle Gift Tutorial. How amazing is it to make a bottle of wine, champagne or sparkling apple cider covered in chocolate truffles to look like a pineapple! How over-the-top decadent is that?

What an amazing hostess gift for the New Year or a unique (and delicious) birthday, new home or just because you are so awesome gift! Sign me up!!

To read more and see the full instructions, please pop on over to Redefined Mom {HERE}, and check it out.

DIY Pineapple Wine Bottle Gift Collage