DIY Printable Kids Info Cards Template
Are your kids booked until March? Soccer practice here, play-date there, baby-sitters tomorrow, carpool across town, sleep-over Friday night and weekend with Grandma? To help all these people who will be watching, caring for, teaching, coaching, driving and feeding your child, give them a DIY Printable Kids Info Card . It is a business card for kids that has all your child’s important information on it.
Suggestions to put on the cards:
- Child’s name
- Child’s cell and home phone numbers
- Child’s address
- Child’s email address
- Parents’ names
- Parents’ home and cell phone numbers
- Parents’ email addresses
- Health or allergy concerns
- Emergency numbers and contacts
What you will need:
- computer
- printer
- card stock
- scissors
- good attitude
1. Download this JPEG file {diy printable kids info cards template}.
2. Open file in Picmonkey.com, add info using the text edit and save file (or print and handwrite info)
3. Print on card stock. Cut on dotted lines
4. Hand out wisely. Enjoy!