DIY Gangnam Style Halloween Costume
Yep, we went to our annual costume party as Gangnam Style in honor of their 15 minutes of fame. We hit the local thrift stores and craft stores for our outfits. The Hubs wore an old, used light blue tuxedo jacket. I used black electrical tape on the edge of the tux’ collar, pockets and cuffs. I purchased a tuxedo shirt and tie combo at our local craft store. We gelled his hair back and sprayed it black. He wore my sunglasses. For myself, I bought a lovely, used gold suit jacket and found pants to match. I already had the wig–it was a 70’s shag that we cut into a bob. I bought my glasses at a discount store. I think we nailed it!
Be sure to check out some of our other past costumes {here}!
Also, you’ve got to watch a video from my youngest, Ian’s Gangnam Style. He thinks he knows Korean. Enjoy!
[youtube pM70CMQOZPU]
Such awesome costumes!! I love it. The Hubs and the kids are OBSESSED with Gangnam Style and I begged him to be Psy this year. I never thought about being the yellow guy too. I wanted to be the guy in the elevator in the shorts. I think that’s more my style. Nicely done!!
I love the elevator guy! I wanted P and I too work on a dance routine and have that elevator part in it. He was a no-go (wimp). It’s not too late for you and your hubs to be them…we have all the stuff if you want it :)!
That’s awe-SOME! What is with those youngest children? I think I can see mine doing videos like this sooner than I realize!
Just wait! I’m sure they have started already. We stumbled upon this video. There are about 10 more he has made so stay tuned!
[…] 1. Gangnam Style Costume from Me…Cul-de-sac Cool! […]